Social media house rules

Our social media accounts are there to help us build an online community with our tenants. We want you to like, comment, retweet and share photos with us and our followers.

We use your feedback to make improvements so it’s really important for us to hear how you feel about the services that we offer. We want to know what we’re doing well and your suggestions about what we could do better.

We want our social media accounts to be a safe and comfortable place for both tenants and colleagues, so we have a few rules that we all need to follow.

We will:

  • Message you from our official profiles:

Twitter: @MidHeartHelp Facebook: @MidlandHeart  or  @MHRetirementLiving

  • Sign off with our name so you know who you’re talking to.
  • Confirm your identity before discussing any personal information to make sure we’re speaking to the right person.
  • Monitor our accounts between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday unless otherwise stated. You can message us at any time but we won’t be online 24 hours a day.
  • Respond to your message as soon as we can but it may take up to 2 working days during busy periods. If you have an emergency please call us on 0345 60 20 540
  • Pass your queries onto the most relevant team so that they can help you as quickly as possible.

  • Be polite and treat you with fairness and respect. We’ll make sure any information you share is kept confidential and we’ll keep you up to date with what’s happening.

What we’d like you to do in return…

  • Please don't report emergencies on social media as we may not see it in time. Call us on 0345 60 20 540 so that we can help you as quickly as possible.
  • Please treat our staff with respect. We know that there are times when things don’t go to plan and we want you to let us know if this happens. However, our colleagues are here to help you and we won’t tolerate any swearing, threats or any form of abuse. This includes the inappropriate use of emojis, images or other content.
  • If you’d like to make a complaint about our staff, contactors or would like to report another tenant please avoid posting any name or details publicly. Send us a private message and we’ll look into it.

  • Don’t spam or advertise. Our social media channels aren’t the place for followers to advertise goods or services. Making the same points over and over again (known as spamming) doesn’t help anyone. You’ll be better off sending us a private message or contacting us another way so we can look into the issue for you. 
  • Be careful not over-share. Don’t post private information about yourself or others publicly.

What happens if the rules are broken?

  • If you don’t stick to the rules we may not be able to deal with your query. We may have to delete your comments and/or block you from messaging, commenting and viewing our page in the future. We may also contact the police where necessary.