Meet our friendly Tenant Scrutiny team, there are five officers with one Head of Tenant Insight and one Scrutiny Manager.

We're here to listen to your feedback and make sure your voices are heard by everyone else at Midland Heart. 

We're more than happy to have a chat with you, answer any questions and share your feedback.

You can call or text the team on: 07720143676 or you can drop us an email at

Jess Avatar

Meet Jess, the Head of Tenant Insight

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I was brought up living in social housing, and always wanted to help make a difference. I spent lots of time in my early career volunteering with youth and community groups and being involved in scrutiny was the perfect fit to make sure I could make a difference.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It's every time I attend our Committee meetings, and to share the feedback tenants have given us on a particular topic, and what our involved tenants think we should do to act on this. 

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Please be open and honest with your feedback. We know we don’t always get things right, and the team really need to hear your experiences to help make changes for the future.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Impactful, interesting and unique

Sarah Avatar

Meet Sarah, our new Scrutiny Manager

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It's so rewarding to work with tenants to listen to their feedback and use this to implement change.


What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

For me, it's getting to the end of a scrutiny project and pulling together the final report and presentation. This showcases all of the work My Scrutiny have completed.


What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Please do! The team really care about working with tenants to make a difference, without you and your feedback we can’t do this and you really are key to making a difference.


What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Impactful, engaging and rewarding.

Maddie Avatar

Meet Katie, one of our longest standing members

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I wanted to be part of a team that ensured that our tenants voices were heard and were I knew that I could then use that feedback to help shape our policies and processes.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

At Christmas I created small gift bags for our Involved Tenants which the team then delivered, as a thank you for their involvement over the year. We received a lot of comments to say it wasn’t the gift that mattered to them but the fact that we had taken the time to deliver them and spend time talking to them.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Sometimes tenants think that what they say wont make a difference but I would like to reassure anyone that is considering it, it genuinely does. 

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Supportive, welcoming and impactful.

Dylan Avatar

Meet Dylan, one of our Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I worked in the Hub and so I had a lot of interactions with tenants. I wanted to work in a role where I get to keep that tenant interaction and build relationships, whilst also getting to address issues and change things for the better.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

A very recent memory, I hosted my first My Impact meeting. I really enjoyed this because it’s tenant led, and you can really see what works and what doesn’t. It also felt like a big milestone for me that I’m really proud of.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Give it a go! It’s ok if you’re not a housing expert we just want people’s actual voices. We can always offer training where it’s wanted to boost confidence and you can always adjust your involvement.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Engaging, rewarding and interesting.

Hannah Avatar

Meet Hannah, one of Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

Having had a lot of experience in a customer services role in my previous job. I joined the Scrutiny team to listen to our tenants and make a change in the service we provide for our tenants.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

One of the best moments for me so far has been door knocking engaging with tenant’s face to face. Spending time with tenants and listening to what tenants have to say and feeding this information back to the team to implement changes.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

We want to hear what you have to say! We will walk you through the role step by step if needed. Your voice is important in shaping the service we provide.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Insightful, important, and needed.

Tabitha Avatar

Meet Tabitha, one of our Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I wanted to contribute towards giving tenants a voice about the services and experience we provide, and champion our tenants.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It’s really hard to pick one moment – I’d say getting to really engage with tenants and knowing that we can make a difference together really stands out to me.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

If you have something you feel strongly about and want to voice, voice it! It can seem scary but the opportunity to be heard is so valuable and any feedback is welcomed.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Collaborative, empowering and important.

Sonia Avatar

Meet Alina, our new Tenant Insight Support Officer

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I joined the Scrutiny team to be a part of this process and contribute to ensuring that our tenants are listened to and heard.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

One of my best moments so far has been having the opportunity to meet some of our tenants during the first My Impact meeting that I was a part of. 

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Your voice is very valuable and can make a real difference, give it a go and see how you feel. The team are so welcoming and friendly. 

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Important, interesting, and engaging.


Meet Jess, the Head of Tenant Insight

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I was brought up living in social housing, and always wanted to help make a difference. I spent lots of time in my early career volunteering with youth and community groups and being involved in scrutiny was the perfect fit to make sure I could make a difference.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It's every time I attend our Committee meetings, and to share the feedback tenants have given us on a particular topic, and what our involved tenants think we should do to act on this. 

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Please be open and honest with your feedback. We know we don’t always get things right, and the team really need to hear your experiences to help make changes for the future.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Impactful, interesting and unique

Jess Avatar

Meet Sarah, our new Scrutiny Manager

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It's so rewarding to work with tenants to listen to their feedback and use this to implement change.


What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

For me, it's getting to the end of a scrutiny project and pulling together the final report and presentation. This showcases all of the work My Scrutiny have completed.


What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Please do! The team really care about working with tenants to make a difference, without you and your feedback we can’t do this and you really are key to making a difference.


What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Impactful, engaging and rewarding.

Sarah Avatar

Meet Katie, one of our longest standing members

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I wanted to be part of a team that ensured that our tenants voices were heard and were I knew that I could then use that feedback to help shape our policies and processes.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

At Christmas I created small gift bags for our Involved Tenants which the team then delivered, as a thank you for their involvement over the year. We received a lot of comments to say it wasn’t the gift that mattered to them but the fact that we had taken the time to deliver them and spend time talking to them.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Sometimes tenants think that what they say wont make a difference but I would like to reassure anyone that is considering it, it genuinely does. 

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Supportive, welcoming and impactful.

Maddie Avatar

Meet Dylan, one of our Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I worked in the Hub and so I had a lot of interactions with tenants. I wanted to work in a role where I get to keep that tenant interaction and build relationships, whilst also getting to address issues and change things for the better.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

A very recent memory, I hosted my first My Impact meeting. I really enjoyed this because it’s tenant led, and you can really see what works and what doesn’t. It also felt like a big milestone for me that I’m really proud of.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Give it a go! It’s ok if you’re not a housing expert we just want people’s actual voices. We can always offer training where it’s wanted to boost confidence and you can always adjust your involvement.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Engaging, rewarding and interesting.

Dylan Avatar

Meet Hannah, one of Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

Having had a lot of experience in a customer services role in my previous job. I joined the Scrutiny team to listen to our tenants and make a change in the service we provide for our tenants.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

One of the best moments for me so far has been door knocking engaging with tenant’s face to face. Spending time with tenants and listening to what tenants have to say and feeding this information back to the team to implement changes.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

We want to hear what you have to say! We will walk you through the role step by step if needed. Your voice is important in shaping the service we provide.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Insightful, important, and needed.

Hannah Avatar

Meet Tabitha, one of our Scrutiny Officers

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I wanted to contribute towards giving tenants a voice about the services and experience we provide, and champion our tenants.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

It’s really hard to pick one moment – I’d say getting to really engage with tenants and knowing that we can make a difference together really stands out to me.

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

If you have something you feel strongly about and want to voice, voice it! It can seem scary but the opportunity to be heard is so valuable and any feedback is welcomed.

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Collaborative, empowering and important.

Tabitha Avatar

Meet Alina, our new Tenant Insight Support Officer

Why did you join the Tenant Scrutiny team?

I joined the Scrutiny team to be a part of this process and contribute to ensuring that our tenants are listened to and heard.

What has been one of your best moments within the Tenant Scrutiny team?

One of my best moments so far has been having the opportunity to meet some of our tenants during the first My Impact meeting that I was a part of. 

What advice would you give to those considering becoming Involved Tenants?

Your voice is very valuable and can make a real difference, give it a go and see how you feel. The team are so welcoming and friendly. 

What 3 words would you use to describe My Voice?

Important, interesting, and engaging.

Sonia Avatar

"I would advise anyone to join up with My Voice if they feel strongly about influencing the homes we live in and how Midland Heart work."

- Sue (Involved Tenant)

Want to get your voice heard?

Become an Involved Tenant

My Voice is an opportunity to make a difference. There are lots of ways you can give feedback to us all from the comfort of your sofa! If you’re interested in joining My Voice, you can find lots of information here.