Tenant Satisfaction Measures from our social housing residents
Here you can find out more about our key performance, what people who recently used a service think and how our tenants feel regardless of how recent their last interaction with us for every quarter. The results below are from July - September 2024. We'll update this information every three months so you can see how we're performing throughout the year.
The below are the results for our General Needs tenants. To see the satisfaction measures from our homeowners, please click here.
Overall satisfaction
Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Midland Heart? (very/fairly satisfied)
- Repairs
- Safety
- Building safety
- Communicating with us
- Putting things right
- Your neighbourhood
- Decent Homes Standard

It's really important to us that you're satisfied with the repairs service we offer you, and that repairs are done quickly and to a high standard.
Our latest survey results told us:
- 79.9% of you are satisfied with the overall repairs service from us over the last 12 months
- 78.8% are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair
- 77.7% are satisfied that we provide a home that is well maintained

Keeping you safe is our highest priority and our latest survey told us that:
- 83.3% of you are satisfied that we provide a home that is safe

We want you to feel safe in your home and it's important that we do all we can to help with this.
This year, we've completed:
- 100% gas safety checks
- 100% fire safety checks
- 100% asbestos safety checks
- 100% water safety checks
- 100% lift safety checks

We want to be as transparent as possible with you, and make sure you're well-informed and receive timely communication about the things that matter to you.
This is what our survey told us:
- 71.3% of you are satisfied that we listen to your views and act upon them
- 76.7% are satisfied that we keep you informed about things that matter to you
- 82.4% agree with the following "Midland Heart treats me fairly and with respect"

Sometimes things go wrong and it's important that we're told about this, so we can put things right.
This is what we learnt from our latest survey:
- 38.1% of you are satisfied with our complaints handling
- 93% of complaints were responded to within our complaint handling timescales in Stage 1
- 48 complaints per 1,000 properties - relative to the size of Midland Heart in Stage 1
- 67.6% of complaints were responded to within our complaint handling timescales in Stage 2
- 11 complaints per 1,000 properties - relative to the size of Midland Heart in Stage 2
- 34 complaints per 1,000 properties - relative to the size of Midland Heart in 2023-24

Your neighbourhood can be just as important as your home when it comes to making you happy and providing a safe and positive environment to live in.
Our latest survey showed us this:
- 75.6% of you are satisfied that we keep your communal areas clean and well maintained
- 71.1% are satisfied that we make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood
- 67% are satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour
- 1.5% of tenants have reported cases of anti-social behaviour

The Decent Homes Standard sets the minimum standards for the condition of social homes.
- 0.04% of our homes currently do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
How we collect this information
We talk to tenants every month to measure their satisfaction with our services and their homes. In line with the regulator's Tenant Satisfaction Measures, we speak to a random selection of tenants, regardless of how recently they have required our services, to understand their perception of us and our services. This is undertaken by an external organisation, MEL Research.
Alongside MEL Research, we have worked hard to make sure that those spoken to are truly representative of all of our tenants. That means we ensure we speak to more people who rent our general needs properties as they make up the vast majority of our homes. We also make sure to speak to tenants of all ages and ethnicities, again ensuring feedback captured is representative of our tenant base.

My Voice
Get your voice heard
My Voice allows you to work closely with our Tenant Scrutiny Team. They will support you to shape our priorities and make improvements to the services we provide. By becoming one of our involved tenants your voice will make a difference!
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