We want you to enjoy living in your home, and a part of that is being able to easily find the answers to any questions you have. To help with that, we've pulled together some quick videos about aspects of your tenancy that you might need more information on. 

If you need more help with any of these topics, you can give our Hub a call on 0345 60 20 540.


We understand that sometimes family or friends need a helping hand and might need somewhere to live.

We'll usually let you have lodgers in your home, but this video will help you understand the criteria that needs to be met.

Mobility scooters

Mobility scooters and e-scooters can be key to getting around, but they can also present some hazards if left lying about.

This video will explain some of the do's and don'ts around storing your scooters in your home.

Running a business from home

Many of us are able to work from home now - and that might even include running a business from home.

This video will help to explain when we'll allow you to run a business from your home and when it could be a breach of tenancy. 

Communal keys and fobs

We know it can be a real pain if you suddenly find yourself unable to get into your house. That's why, when you move in we'll give you two sets of keys for your property.

Here's a video explaining what to do if you happen to break or lose your keys.