Keeping you and your home safe if you have a gas emergency

If you smell gas, you should call Cadent on 0800 111 999. If you contact us first, we’ll call them together to arrange for them to visit your home. They also have lots of useful information on their website.

It’s important that you don’t do any of the following as these could put you in more danger:

  • DON’T turn any power or light switches on or off.
  • DON’T light any sort of flame inside the property.
  • DON’T use any appliances that could cause a spark.

If you can:

  • DO open doors and windows to get fresh air in and ventilate the property.
  • DO turn off the gas at the mains tap.

Where can I find my gas isolation valve?

In newer houses, the isolation valve is normally outside with the gas meter - in a meter box. If it's not there, try looking under the stairs, beneath the kitchen sink or in the garage.

Turn the handle so the lever is at 90 degrees to the upright gas pipe.

If the gas leak is in a cellar or a basement, don’t enter and instead evacuate the building.

Other signs of a gas leak

Sometimes a gas leak can cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea and headaches. These symptoms should ease when you leave the property, however we advise that you visit your GP as a precaution if you’ve been exposed to a gas leak.

If you find yourself with these symptoms but can’t smell any gas, it could be a sign of a carbon monoxide leak. Read this carbon monoxide guide to find out more.

What you should do

Here we show you the important steps to carry out when you smell gas in your home.