Meet our Income team

Finances Money Advice Rent Payment Officers Rent 03/04/2024

Income Team Employee With Headset

Our Income team is there to help you manage your rent and to make sure we’re encouraging sustainable tenancies.

We’ve spoken to Shoana, one of our Rent Payment Officers, to find out more about what she does and how she supports our tenants.

Hi Shoana, Can you tell us a bit more about the Income team?

Our Income Team are here to help tenants manage their rent accounts and make sure they don’t fall into arrears. If this does happen, we’re on hand to offer support and advice to get tenants’ accounts back on track and to avoid any legal action.

We also help tenants maximize their income by ensuring they’re receiving all the benefits and support they’re entitled to. 

What do you do as a Rent Payment Officer do?

We offer help and support to tenants who are in financial hardship. This includes:

  • Visiting tenants at home to help them apply for benefits
  • Making arrangements with tenants who have fallen into arrears to help them repay their debts in an affordable way.
  • Giving tenants advice on their finances and referring them to 3rd parties who may be able to help them in ways that we can’t i.e. Shelter, Citizens Advice Bureau, Homeless Provision Teams etc.
  • Referring tenants to our own in-house specialist Money Advice Team.

Another one of our job roles is to meet tenants at their sign up appointments and make sure they have everything they need to settle into their new home. We help them to apply for the right benefits, to make sure their rent is paid correctly from the very start of their tenancy, and advice them on setting up direct debits for things like council tax and utility bills.

Are there common trends/patterns you’re seeing at the moment?

We have definitely seen a rise in tenants contacting the Rent Team asking for assistance due to the increase in cost of living over the last year. We’re always happy to help and also have loads of information on the cost of living page on our website.

Are there any common myths/perceptions tenants tend to hold which aren’t true?

That we’re glorified Debt Collectors! It’s actually far from the truth – we’re here to help and  support tenants, and keep them in their homes.

What top 3 tips would you give to anyone that may be struggling?

  • Get in touch as soon as you know there might be an issue with you making your rent payments
  • If you’re unable to pay your rent in full, then just pay what you can
  • Keep us up to date with any changes in your circumstances which may affect your payments or mean that you’re entitled to different benefits

How can tenants get help?

You can contact our Customer Hub on 0345 60 20 540 and ask to be put through to our Dialler or Rent Payment team. You can also contact your Rent Payment Officer directly.

If you think you could benefit from our Money Advice Service you can self-refer via the form on our website or by phoning 0345 60 20 540.

Anything else you’d like to share with our tenants?

We know how stressful it can be if you’re going through financial difficulties, but we can’t help if we don’t know what you’re going through. The sooner you speak up, the more likely it is that we’ll be able to help you quickly.

If you’re struggling to pay your rent, it’s really important you let us know as soon as possible. Please get in touch with us on 0345 60 20 540 and we’ll be happy to help.