Have you read our Customer Annual Report?

My Voice Annual Reports Our Performance Scrutiny Team 19/01/2024

CAR News

We’ve recently released our Customer Annual Report for 2022-23 and we’re really excited for you to take a look through it and see what we’ve been up to – and what we’re planning to work on this year.

Each year, we release our Customer Annual Report, which is an overview of how we’ve performed in the last financial year.

What’s in the report?

It's really important for us to be honest and open with you, so you can see how we're handling the things that are important to you. In the report we take a look at our successes and show the impact they've had on customers like you.

You'll find real examples of the lessons we've taken from your feedback and details of the commitments we've made to improve over the next year. The report also gives you the chance to have a sneak peek at some of the exciting things we have coming up in the year ahead.

What are the key facts?

Some of the key facts from this year’s report are:

100 %

building safety compliance

91 %

overall satisfaction

69 %

felt we listened to your views

73 %

felt we kept you informed about things that matter

82 %

feel safe in your home

68 %

of homes now EPC C or above

70 %

satisfaction that we make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood

424 K

awarded in Universal Credit

How can I access the report?

We’ve created a few formats of our Customer Annual Report this year to make sure it’s as accessible as possible, including a plain text version.

Read the report here


We’d also really appreciate your feedback on the report, so we know what we can do better in next year’s version. You can let us know your thoughts here