Recently, our My Scrutiny group took a look at how well we keep you informed throughout the repairs…
Listening to you and what you have to say is the best way for us to improve our services. So, every…
Recently our Scrutiny team, along with some of our involved tenants, took a look into our Aids and A…
We hosted our first Town Hall event at Chatham Place, Northfield, on Wednesday 1st May to give our t…
Our Scrutiny team run a variety of different groups and projects, and with My Voice, there are 5 key…
Recently, we circulated a survey to get your thoughts on Awaab’s Law. One of our Scrutiny Officers,…
Recently, our Tenant Scrutiny team, along with some of our Involved Tenants, took a look into our Su…
We want all of our tenants to be happy in their homes, and this means finding out from you what more…
We’ve recently released our Customer Annual Report for 2022-23 and we’re really excited for you to t…