
200923Midlandheart 2872
Free things to do this summer

With the summer holidays here, it can be hard finding things to do with the kids, especially with th…

Help In The Holidays
Helpful food deals this summer

Now that the summer holidays have arrived, it can be harder to manage your finances with the kids of…

SO Focus Group
Our Shared Ownership focus group

To make sure you have the chance to shape our services and get your voice heard, we’ve recently star…

Juliet Involved Tenant 0723
Our new Involved Tenant group

we’re opening up a new tenant involvement group which will look at some of our back-office services,…

Gas Safety
Gas safety at home

We need to check your gas appliances regularly, to make sure you and your family are safe. Carbon mo…

Website News Images (1000X595) (4)
Helping you with the cost of living

We know many people are still struggling with the cost of living and keeping up with the daily essen…

Grab Rail
Our Aids & Adaptations service

Recently our Scrutiny team, along with some of our involved tenants, took a look into our Aids and A…