Fires in the summer can start for lots of reasons, from not taking care when having a barbecue to no…
As the weather starts to heat up, we want you to be able to enjoy the sunshine with friends and fami…
Did you know, that well maintained fire doors slow the spread of smoke and fire for at least 30 minu…
Checking your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm regularly is really important. Not only does it…
We do everything we can to prevent a fire from starting in your home but it's important to know what…
There are a few things you can do to protect your home from fires. Investing in fire safety kits and…
Christmas is a time to get cosy and fill the house with decorations and good food! However, we need…
For Candle Fire Safety Week, we’re raising awareness about taking extra care when using candles. Wi…
Monday 25th – Friday 29th September marks Fire Door Safety Week – a week to raise awareness of the i…