
Website News Images (1000X595) (4)
Helping you with the cost of living

We know many people are still struggling with the cost of living and keeping up with the daily essen…

Chatham Place 1St May 2024 0554
Our first Town Hall event

We hosted our first Town Hall event at Chatham Place, Northfield, on Wednesday 1st May to give our t…

Dialler Team
Meet our Income team

Our Income team is there to help you manage your rent and to make sure we’re encouraging sustainable…

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Meet the Money Advice team

We’ve spoken to Tracey, our Money Advice Manager, about what the team does and how they help our ten…

Helping Our Tenant With Arrears
Helping our tenants with arrears

One of our Money Advisors, Stephen and Rent Payment Officer, Geraldine, recently helped Mr Hussain*…

Back On Track Article (1)
Getting our tenant back on track

Alfred, one of our Rent Payment Officers, recently helped a tenant whose parents had passed away and…

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A helping hand

Our Rent Payment Officers recently helped a tenant who was worried she would be left without a home…

money saving energy saving
Energy Savers Week

This week is Energy Saving Week, and it’s a great time to reflect on how we can save money on our en…

Xmas Budget
Stick to your budget this Christmas

It’s really easy to go over-budget at Christmas, with the cost of gifts and celebrations adding up q…