Making Restorative Justice more accessible


Women Talking

This week we’ve been promoting Restorative Justice and highlighting the difference that it has made to some of our customers’ lives.

We’ve introduced you to our RJ officer Sacha and shared a real life success story to prove that it really does work.

RJ is a very effective way to resolve issues before they become worse. We want to support our customers to take part in RJ as soon as possible after an issue has begun.

This will give us the best possible chance to resolve the problem and avoid it turning into something bigger.

You can now sign yourself up for RJ

This is why we’ve been working hard to make RJ easier for you to access. We’ve set up a new ‘one-click’ self-referral page on our website meaning you can now refer yourself to our RJ service.

Previously a member of staff or the police would have had to make a referral on your behalf. This new system will make the process a lot quicker and easier for everyone involved.

Once we've received your sign up form, Sacha will give you a call to discuss the issues that you’re having and work out if RJ is the best solution for you.

Sounds great, how do I sign up?

If you’d like to find out more about RJ or refer yourself to take part click here.