Reviewing our ASB policy

Last month, we asked you for your views so that we could use them to update our ASB policy.
We want to thank everyone who completed the survey. Your feedback is very important and it will help us to understand what’s working and what we can do better.
The results
Our highest priority will always be ASB targeted at individuals and your responses showed you agreed with this.
Your comments have also let us know that you’re happy with the overall service that we provide:
“On the overall experience, the Officer got it sorted straight away and kept in contact with me. They told me to contact them again if there was a problem, I feel really confident that they would help me again”
- Customer feedback
Customer satisfaction
Whilst we’re happy to receive positive feedback, we know that sometimes you’d like more from us.
Our customer satisfaction scores have increased from 57.7% to 61.5%. However, not all of the feedback was positive and these figures are not where we want them to be. So, we’ll continue working with you to make sure you’re fully supported and we’ll pay close attention to the areas that you’d like us to improve on.
Making improvements
You told us that you’d like to know what happens if you continue experiencing ASB after we’ve tried our best to resolve it:
“I think what you do is good in regards to dealing with ASB but you need to highlight what you are going to do if all of the above fail e.g. when you have gone through all of the actions what would be your next course of action in resolving this.”
- Customer feedback
This lets us know that we need to be clearer and explain what the next steps are and when you can expect to hear from us.
Moving forward
We also need to communicate with you about the things we are doing behind the scenes such as lobbying MP’s to set up a designated housing court.
Where we have to take a case to court this would allow us to have ASB court cases heard more quickly, by a specialist team who understand housing issues.
We’ll let you know more about the updates we’ve made to the policy in September 2021 when the review is complete. Click here to view our current ASB policy.