Meet Steve (Customer Scrutiny Officer)

Hi everyone! I’m Steve, a Customer Scrutiny Officer that has been with Midland Heart for 6 months.
The Customer Scrutiny Team are here to get the customer voice heard and to use the feedback we’re given to help shape the services Midland Heart offers.
My role is to gather the thoughts of our customers, put all the information together, look for trends in the data and work out what it all means for both customers and Midland Heart.
Building Safety Project
I’ve recently completed a survey at one of our high-rise buildings. The survey was to find out what customers felt about building safety, what they want to hear about it and how often. Collecting this valuable feedback means we can make sure everyone gets the important information they need in a way they can understand it.
My average day
No two days within Customer Scrutiny are ever the same but every day presents a new opportunity for us to offer a brilliant service.
Today has been a very busy, but extremely rewarding one. It started with a short meeting with our involved customers to discuss our latest scrutiny project. This project aims to see how accountable we are as a landlord and if we give enough information to customers to allow them to check that we are providing the services we say we will.
We do four in depth projects like this every year, they are led by our customers and all the information we gain is given directly to our Operations Committee to make sure that their views are heard.
Making a difference
Next, I had a catch up with my colleagues in the Retrofit team to see how we can support them to engage with customers whilst updating our homes to make them more energy efficient. I have taken a lead role in deciding on the best way to contact and communicate with customers to make sure they are kept informed every step of the way.
As a landlord, it’s important that we’re supporting customers whilst carrying out works to their homes. It’s a very challenging project as we want to make improvements to a large number of our homes. However, it’s very rewarding to know that these improvements will make a huge difference to customers particularly with the increase in the cost of living.
Supporting customers
I had a quick bite to eat, then went to meet a customer whose home was in need of a new central heating system. The customer had concerns about how it would work and had previously refused to let us carry out the work.
We had a chat about the benefits and I explained in detail what work we were planning to do. I was able to find out why she was so nervous about having gas installed. Once we knew what the problem was, it was easy to come up with a solution and put her mind at ease. By the end of our chat she was happy and excited for the work to be done!
After that, I met with members of the Housing Management Team to discuss plans to help a local community group with their initiative to clean up their local area.
Working together
Our team is dedicated to making change happen and making sure that these changes are having the impact that is needed. We all work together to find the best solution and make sure other areas in the business are on board with what we’re doing.
The work we do has a direct impact on our customers, that’s what I love about my job! There’s no better feeling than knowing it will help all of our customers in the future.
Get Involved
We're always looking for customers get involved and help to shape the services we offer. Without our customers, we can’t continue to do the work that we do.
If you would like to find out more about My Voice please click here, email or call 07771 676 773.